Apple on Tuesday announced that its next “Swift Student Challenge” will open on February 3, aimed at uplifting the next generation of developers, creators, and entrepreneurs.
Apple announced on Tuesday that its next “Swift Student Challenge” will open on February 3. The challenge aims to inspire the next generation of developers, creators, and entrepreneurs.
The challenge empowers students to join a worldwide community of developers who use Swift—the same programming language used by professionals—to create the next wave of groundbreaking apps. Previous Swift Student Challenge participants used their creativity to develop apps that solved real-world problems, such as connecting peers to mental health resources and identifying ways to support sustainability efforts on campus.
“Apple’s Swift Student Challenge has allowed thousands of students worldwide to showcase their creativity and coding capabilities and learn real-world skills that they can take into their careers and beyond,” the company said. “We encourage you to brainstorm and develop thoughtful ideas for apps that address important issues in your community and beyond,” it added.
Submissions for the 2025 Swift Student Challenge will open on February 3, for three weeks. To prepare for the challenge, students and educators can participate in an online session hosted by Apple, where they’ll learn more about participating in the Swift Student Challenge.
The sessions can help students explore the elements of great apps with an Apple engineer, learn tips from a former Challenge winner, and inspire them to create their app playground. The company also announced that updated “Develop in Swift Tutorials” are available to help students dive into the foundations of coding as they explore innovative apps for Apple platforms.
Out of the 350 overall winners, 50 distinguished winners will be invited to Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California, next summer, where they’ll have the opportunity to connect with the Apple team, the iPhone maker said. All winners will receive one year of membership in the Apple Developer Program and a special gift from Apple.