Varun Dhawan starrer ‘Baby John’, released in theatres on Christmas, had a decent opening day number of around Rs 11 crore. It benefitted from the Christmas holiday and bookings. The film was released on more than 3500 screens, but it saw a drastic decline in the numbers from day 2. The film has made Rs 35.58 crore in India, including the Thursday morning numbers, Day 9.
On Wednesday, day 8, the movie made Rs 2.75 crore; on Tuesday, December 31st, it generated Rs 2.15 crore. So clearly, the film did not benefit from the New Year’s or January 1 holiday. On Thursday, up until afternoon, the collection was 18 lakh. Thus, according to Sacnilk, the total collection of ‘Baby John’ in India is Rs 35.58 crore. Meanwhile, the film is estimated to have a lifetime worldwide collection of Rs 60 crore.
Due to this low business and less demand for the movie, the number of shows of Baby John has been reduced, and it has been removed from many single-screen theatres. On the other hand, Pushpa 2 continues to dominate. Mufasa: The Lion King has been doing better business than Baby John. The total collection of Mufasa so far is Rs. 122.1 crore.
Meanwhile, Pushpa 2 is set to become the highest-grossing Indian movie, with a worldwide collection that will soon exceed Rs 1800 crore.
Baby John also stars Keerthy Suresh and Wamiqa Gabi alongside Varun.