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How to Install a Ceiling Tapestry? Cost, Size & Rod Pocket

How to Install a Ceiling Tapestry? Cost, Size & Rod Pocket

When installing a ceiling tapestry, there are many considerations to make, such as cost, size, and rod pocket. Here are some of the most important ones. Remember that the size and style of your ceiling tapestry will be based on your tastes and decorating style. Once you have made your decision, you should choose an installation method that is both cost-effective and easy to install. In addition, you should also be familiar with how to hang a ceiling tapestry, since some of them are more complicated than others.

How to Install a Ceiling Tapestry? Cost, Size & Rod Pocket


The cost of a ceiling tapestry varies widely. The size, intricacy, and construction of a tapestry all influence its cost. Generally, a small 40-by-60-inch tapestry should cost between $100 and $300, depending on your chosen style. The more elaborate design and UV-protected glass glazing will raise the price. However, the cost of a tapestry is worth it if you want to make a statement in your home.

The subject matter for a ceiling tapestry can vary a great deal, depending on your tastes. One important factor in determining the cost of a ceiling tapestry is whether the artwork is royalty-free or licensed. Contemporary tapestries are usually based on the work of living artists and are licensed versions of unique artwork. One example is a contemporary tapestry by Melissa Graves-Brown. However, there are also royalty-free tapestries available.


Before you purchase a ceiling tapestry, be sure to measure your walls. Choosing the wrong size for your walls can make the room look smaller than it actually is. Choose a size that will blend into the room and make a bold statement without looking overwhelming. Keep in mind the tapestry’s size can also affect the overall appearance of the room. To avoid these problems, keep in mind the following tips when choosing the size of your ceiling tapestry:

Measure your ceiling. Ceiling tapestries should not take up more than 20 percent of your ceiling space, so you’ll need more than two pins. Place a measuring tape at the center of the ceiling tapestry, and measure from this pin to a corner pin. Repeat this process as many times as necessary. Make sure the tapestry’s dimensions are correct before you start installing it. If they are too small, it may not hang properly.

Rod pocket

A-Rod pocket ceiling tapestry is an attractive way to dress up your ceiling. To hang it on your ceiling, you must first cut a strip of the tapestry that is about the same width as your rod. Unfold the strip, making sure the right sides are together and that the long edges of the tapestry are in the same direction. Then, press the tapestry flat and align the seam on one of its long edges. This will create a tunnel for the rod, preventing a pucker on the front due to the rod diameter.

Once you’ve cut the rods to the right length, you can install the wood. If you’re using a wooden rod, you can choose a 1×2 or 1×3 size. Make sure the wood is painted so it won’t turn acidic, and select a color that matches the wall. Otherwise, the tapestry will look dingy and won’t match the room’s interior.


If you have never installed a ceiling tapestry before, follow some steps. First, make sure that your tapestry is even. This is the easiest part, but larger tapestries may need some help to ensure that they are straight and level. To start, you can use a hammer or push pin to attach the first corner pin and have a helper support the center of the tapestry while you place the second corner pin.

Next, you should determine where you want to hang the tapestry. For a spacious room, you may not need to cut the ceiling. Otherwise, you can use velcro to mark the desired area for the tapestry. You can also use a pencil or a velcro strip to mark the length of the rod. Be aware, however, that based on the construction of your home, the joist may not be in the exact position. You may need to cut the rod length accordingly.

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