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Bangladesh in Turmoil as Sheikh Hasina Resigns Amidst Violent Protests


With the increasing intensity of protest and violence, Bangladesh’s Prime Minister resigned and fled the country as a turn of events. The nation is steeped deep in political transformation as student protest organizers rally for an interim government at the head of Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus.

Bangladesh Protests 2024

The crisis reached its peak on Monday, with widespread unrest leaving at least 135 people dead throughout the country, according to the Dhaka Tribune. Violence ranged from police firings and mob beating to arson. The clashes were particularly severe in the Savar and Dhamrai regions on the outskirts of the capital, Dhaka, where 18 people were killed. In the capital’s Uttara area, at least 10 people were killed and many injured in a blaze of firing from the Uttara East police station.

The demand for Sheikh Hasina to step down occurred from the protestors accusing her of mismanagement of her government, showing negligence towards desperate issues of the country and the rising corruption. What started off as resistance to job quotas has snowballed into a bigger anti-government movement. The violence and mayhem spilt into the hospitals, filling them with dead bodies and injured people—a humanitarian crisis in real terms.


Bangladesh Crisis Explained

In response, the army chief of Bangladesh, General Moin U Ahmed, announced that the military would set up a caretaker administration. The army chief is likely to meet student protest leaders on Tuesday to discuss the formation of a new government. The organizers of the protests have reportedly asked for nothing less than the Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus, to head an interim government as its chief adviser.

Sheikh Hasina Resignation Reason and Aftermath

The resignation by Sheikh Hasina has thrown uncertainty and instability into a country already wracked by high unemployment, corruption, and rising climate change. To complicate the situation, the major airport in Dhaka has halted operations due to security concerns.

Hasina’s resignation has also drawn international attention. The Indian government called an all-party meeting to discuss the Bangladesh issue, and the United Nations called for calm and restraint. The World Bank is assessing the impact of recent events on its loan program with Bangladesh.

Sheikh Hasina News: History, Family and Political Legacy

Sheikh Hasina Wazed is a former politician who was the tenth prime minister of Bangladesh for two tenures: January 2009 to August 2024 and June 1996 to July 2001. Her father was Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Bangladesh’s first president and founding father.

Sheikh Hasina’s son, Sajeeb Wazed Joy, jumped to defend his mother, arguing that she did not do anything wrong and gave the country the best government. He feared Bangladesh’s future might end up like that of Kenya, plunged into chaos and turning the next Pakistan. Joy also smells something fishy with Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence behind the student unrest.

Bangladesh Current Issues

As Bangladesh slipped into chaos, with one person to head the interim government, a man of great eminence, Muhammad Yunus, the Chief Adviser, inspires positive optimism in the international community. Yunus, condemned as the “Banker to the Poor,” has built an impeccable reputation for probity and his commitment to social causes, which under his leadership, could steer Bangladesh out of this crisis.

Riots in Bangladesh Today: A Call for Change

The next few days are going to be very critical for Bangladesh as the new interim government takes shape and tries to bring order. Whole world is watching as Bangladesh strives for peace, stability, and the good life for its people. That country stands at crossroads today, and the choice it makes now will decide its course.

Bangladesh Population 2024: A Country in Transition

The resignation of Sheikh Hasina and the consequent protests have brought out into the open the various serious problems plaguing Bangladesh, thus underlining the fact that their redressal is urgent. The country has a population of more than 165 million, so there is unabated pressure to find the political and social sustainability of the country. The interim government’s success in alleviating the situation and leading up to free and fair elections will set the course for Bangladesh’s future.



What is Bangladesh known for?

Bangladesh is known for its culture, beauty and exports.

Why did Bangladesh separate from India?

As a result of an internal crisis in Pakistan, the post-independence war led to separation from India.

Why Bangladesh is protesting?

Bangladesh is protesting to reform their quota systems after the Supreme Court scrapped most of the quotas on July 21.

Who is Sheikh Hasina?

Sheikh Hasina Wazed is a Bangladeshi politician who was the country’s tenth prime minister from June 1996 to July 2001 and from January 2009 to August 2024.

Why Sheikh Hasina left Bangladesh?

Sheikh Hasina left Bangladesh on Monday after hundreds of people were killed during the protest against job quotas, leading to her removal and resignation.

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