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PM Modi Performs Yoga on International Yoga Day 2024

International Yoga Day

International Yoga Day News: Prime Minister Narendra Modi celebrates International Yoga Day in Jammu Kashmir‘s Srinagar on 21st June 2024 with thousands of yoga devotees. PM pleads to do yoga every day.  ‘World looking at Yoga as a power for global good,’ says PM Modi during his speech. The International Day of Yoga (IDY) is celebrated annually on June 21 to create awareness about its vast potential to improve overall health and well-being. The current year’s occasion highlights Yoga’s significant effect on youthful personalities and bodies. The festival means joining thousands in the act of Yoga, advancing well-being and health on a worldwide scale. At the event, the Prime Minister will address the social affair and partake in the Common Yoga Convention meeting, featuring Yoga’s importance in sustaining physical, mental, and spiritual growth.

International Yoga Day Theme

The Theme for Yoga 2024 is ‘Yoga for Self and Society’. Yoga gives an all-encompassing way to deal with wellbeing and prosperity that helps with reestablishing harmony in our bustling lives. On this unique day, we praise its extraordinary power. Every year, International Yoga Day takes on a particular subject to concentrate the celebration and exercises around a specific aspect of yoga. The theme for 2024 is “Yoga for Self and Society.”

International Yoga Day

Which is the basic root of the word ‘Yoga’?

Lets discuss the history of yoga, Yoga is basically a profound discipline given a very subtle science, which centers around bringing harmony among mind and body. It is considered to be an art and science of healthy living. The word ‘Yoga’ is gotten from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, signifying ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to join together’. According to Yogic sacred texts, the act of Yoga prompts the association of individual cognizance with that of the Universal Consciousness, showing an ideal congruity between the psyche and body, Man and Nature. As per current researchers, all that in the universe is only a sign of a similar quantum atmosphere. In this manner the point of Yoga is Self-acknowledgment, to conquer a wide range of sufferings prompting ‘the condition of freedom’ (Moksha) or ‘opportunity’ (Kaivalya). Living with opportunity in varying backgrounds, well-being and concordance will be the primary targets of Yoga practice. “Yoga” likewise alludes to an internal science containing various techniques through which people can understand this association and accomplish dominance over their fate.


Why is Yoga Day on 21 June?

21 June is the longest day in 365 days and that is the reason why it is celebrated as World Yoga Day to practise yoga for the longest time.

Who started World Yoga Day?

The United Nations announced June 21 as the International Day of Yoga on December 11, 2014, by goal 69/131. This drive was initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who emphasized yoga’s advantages for agreement and harmony.

What is the theme of Yoga Day?

The Theme of this year’s Yoga is ‘Yoga for Self and Society’.

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