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Which global issue should be the top priority for world leaders?

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October 6, 2023

Apple’s original Apple Watch is as of now not accessible for fix or update as the organization proclaimed the item

Los Angeles: A US man who grabbed a dozing traveler on a plane was imprisoned Thursday for almost two years.

Maybe never before has England’s South Asian diaspora delighted in such conspicuousness on the country’s greatest political stage. During the

Seoul: South Korea’s broadcast communications controller said on Friday that Letters in order Inc’s Google and Apple have mishandled their

Los Angeles: A grounds gynecologist for a top California college who had been accused of physically mishandling patients has been

A viral pink eye scourge, otherwise called conjunctivitis, is influencing countless individuals in Pakistan. Throughout the course of recent months,

Washington: US F-16 warplanes on Thursday destroyed a robot having a place with NATO partner Turkey that was considered a

Beirut: An assault Thursday on a Syrian military foundation killed in excess of 100 individuals, a conflict screen said, with

Moscow: Loading acclaim on India, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the Indian authority is “independent” and drove by

The anticipation has been building, and cricket fans worldwide are gearing up for the most prestigious event in the sport

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