Police have arrested a man for clicking photographs inside Ayodhya’s Ram temple complex using a smart glass. The accused has been identified as Jani Jaikumar, a businessman from Vadodara, Gujarat. Jaikumar cleared all checkpoints along the Ram Janmabhoomi path and reached the Singhdwar inside the temple complex. He was caught by a security watcher while taking photos using the smart glass, which costs around Rs 50,000.
Police have not identified the brand and model that the accused used to click photographs inside the temple. However, considering the price tag revealed by the Police, it is likely that the man was wearing Meta smartglasses.
Why smartglasses are banned at Ram temple
Photography and videography inside the Ram temple are banned for security purposes. In May last year, Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra and the Ayodhya administration announced a complete ban on mobile phones in the Ram Janmabhoomi temple premises. The ban is aimed at minimising the risk of potential misuse of devices for recording or transmitting sensitive information.
SP (Security) Balramachari Dubey told TOI: “The man is presently in custody and being interrogated. The specs cam is priced at around Rs 50,000. UP special security force jawan Anurag Bajpai, who apprehended the youth, will be rewarded.”
Incidentally, the attacker behind the recent New Year’s Day tragedy on Bourbon Street in New Orleans also used Meta smart glasses to record and plan his assault. FBI New Orleans Special Agent in Charge Lyonel Myrthil revealed that the attacker stayed in a rental home starting October 30, where he spent days recording videos while biking through the French Quarter.Though he wore the Meta smart glasses during the attack, they were not activated then. The glasses were later recovered from his body following his death.
Smart Glasses available in India
Smart glasses are becoming increasingly popular in India, offering features like hands-free calling, audio streaming, and augmented reality experiences. Here are some options available in the Indian market:
Noise i1 Smart Glasses
These glasses feature guided audio, multi-functional touch controls, and up to 9-hour playtime. They are designed for both men and women.
Focally Spectunes
Everyday smart glasses combine premium eyewear and audio. They offer hands-free calls, voice assistant integration, and swappable frames with blue cut and prescription lenses.
Vuzix Z100 Smart Glasses
A heads-up AR display built exclusively for pairing with your iOS or Android device, designed to optimize workflows and provide real-time updates.
Razer Anzu Smart Glasses
These glasses come with blue light filtering and polarized lenses, low latency audio, built-in mic and speakers, and touch and voice assistant compatibility.
Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses
While not officially launched in India, these glasses offer features like dual cameras, open-ear speakers, and touch controls. They can be considered if accessible through international channels.