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Saudi Arabia Hajj Deaths Reports 1,301 deaths during hajj, mostly unregistered pilgrims

Saudi Arabia Hajj Deaths

Saudi Arabia Hajj Deaths News: The minister, cited by state TV, said that deaths were brought about by pilgrims “walking long distances under direct sunlight without sufficient shelter or comfort”.

  • 83% of fatalities were unapproved pilgrims walking long distances
  • 95 pilgrims were treated in medical clinics, many were carried to Riyadh
  • Saudi Arabia Hajj temperature in Mecca ran between 46-49 degrees Celsius

More than 1,300 individuals passed on during the current year’s Hajj journey in Saudi Arabia as the unwavering confronted very high temperatures at Islamic heavenly destinations in the desert realm, Saudi authorities declared on Sunday.

Saudi Arabia Hajj Deaths Reason

Saudi Health Minister Fahd bin Abdurrahman Al-Jalajel said that 83% of the 1,301 fatalities were unapproved pilgrims who walked long distances in deeply heated temperatures to perform the Hajj ceremonies in and around the heavenly city of Mecca. Talking with the state-claimed Al Ekhbariya television, the minister said 95 pilgrims were being treated in medical clinics, some of whom were transported for therapy in the capital, Riyadh. He said the ID cycle was deferred in light of the fact that there were no recognizable proof records for the majority of the dead pilgrims.

He said the dead were covered in Mecca, without giving a breakdown.

The fatalities included in excess of 660 Egyptians. Everything except 31 of them were unapproved pilgrims, as per two authorities in Cairo.

Egypt has repudiated the licenses of 16 travel services that assisted unapproved pilgrims with heading out to Saudi Arabia, specialists said.

Saudi Arabia Hajj Deaths

The authorities, who talked about the state of namelessness since they were not approved to brief columnists, expressed a large portion of the dead were accounted for at the Crisis Complex in Mecca’s Al-Muaisem area. Egypt sent in excess of 50,000 approved pilgrims to Saudi Arabia this year. Saudi specialists got serious about unapproved pilgrims, ousting a huge number of individuals. Be that as it may, many, for the most part, Egyptians, figured out how to arrive at heavenly locales in and around Mecca, some by walking. Not at all like approved pilgrims, they had no inns to get back to get away from the searing intensity.

In an explanation on Saturday, Egypt’s administration said the 16 travel services neglected to offer satisfactory types of assistance for pilgrims. It said these organizations unlawfully worked with the movement of pilgrims to Saudi Arabia utilizing visas that don’t permit holders to head out to Mecca.

The public authority additionally expressed authorities from the organizations have been alluded to the public examiner for examination.

As per the state-claimed Al-Ahram every day, a few travel services and Hajj trip administrators sold Saudi vacationer visas to Egyptian Hajj hopefuls, disregarding Saudi guidelines which require selective visas for pilgrims. Those organizations left pilgrims in an in-between state in Mecca and the sacred destinations in singing intensity, the paper said.

Saudi Arabia Hajj Deaths List 2024

The fatalities additionally included 165 pilgrims from Indonesia, 98 from India and handfuls more from Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Malaysia, as per a Related Press count. Two US residents were additionally detailed dead.

The AP couldn’t freely affirm the reasons for death, yet a few nations like Jordan and Tunisia accused the taking off heat. AP writers saw pilgrims swooning from the singing intensity, particularly on the second and third days of the Hajj. Some regurgitated and fell. By and large, deaths are normal at the Hajj, which has seen on occasion more than 2 million individuals travel to Saudi Arabia for a five-day journey. The journey’s set of experiences has additionally seen dangerous rushes and plagues.

However, the current year’s count was surprisingly high, proposing extraordinary conditions.

In 2015, a charge in Mina killed north of 2,400 pilgrims, the deadliest incident ever to strike the journey, as per an AP count.

Saudi Arabia has never recognized the full cost of the charge.

A different crane breakdown at Mecca’s Fabulous Mosque prior to that very year killed 111.

The second-deadliest incident at the Hajj was a 1990 charge that killed 1,426 individuals.

During the current year’s Hajj period, everyday high temperatures ran between 46 degrees Celsius and 49 degrees Celsius in Mecca and sacred locales in and around the city, as per the Saudi Public Place for Meteorology.

Final Verdict

The Hajj, one of the five mainstays of Islam, is one of the world’s biggest strict social affairs. More than 1.83 million Muslims played out the Hajj in 2024, including more than 1.6 million from 22 nations, and around 222,000 Saudi residents and occupants, as per the Saudi Hajj specialists. Saudi Arabia has burned through billions of dollars on swarm control and wellbeing measures for those going on the yearly five-day journey, however, the sheer number of members makes it challenging to guarantee their security.

Islam follows a lunar schedule, so the Hajj comes close to 11 days sooner every year.

By 2029, the Hajj will happen in April, and for a long time after that it will fall in the colder time of year, when temperatures are milder.


How many people died during the Hajj?

Saudi Health Minister Fahd bin Abdurrahman Al-Jalajel said that 83% of the 1,301 fatalities were unapproved pilgrims who walked long distances in deeply heated temperatures to perform the Hajj ceremonies in and around the heavenly city of Mecca.

How many died in Hajj 2024?

More than 1,300 individuals passed on during the current year’s Hajj journey in Saudi Arabia as the unwavering confronted very high temperatures at Islamic heavenly destinations in the desert realm, Saudi authorities declared on Sunday.

How much money does Saudi Arabia get from Hajj?

According to a financial point of view as well, the Hajj is extremely important. The religious occasion creates an expected $12 billion every year for Saudi Arabia.

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