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Sunil Ambekar Responds to BJP-RSS Dynamics and National Issues at India Today Conclave 2024

sunil ambekar

Senior RSS leader Sunil Ambekar spoke to critical issues plaguing the BJP-RSS relationship and broader national concerns at the India Today Conclave 2024, showing how the organisation views its role in India’s political landscape.

When asked to respond to BJP President JP Nadda’s comment that the BJP is now “capable” of running its affairs without depending on the RSS, Sunil Ambekar dismissed the notion of any friction. He called the situation a “family matter,” adding, “We solve family matters like family matters. We don’t discuss such issues on public platforms.” Nadda mentioned that while the BJP once depended upon the RSS for support, the party has grown and functions independently.

Sunil Ambekar News

Sunil Ambekar News also revolved around the RSS view on forced conversions- an issue the organization has been fighting for decades. Ambekar categorically said, “Forced conversion is wrong, irrespective of the society. The RSS opposes it whenever it comes to light, and we back the opponents. But the problem is this issue has been given a political colour which is wrong.”

Discussing membership motivation inside the RSS, Ambekar said that people do not join to look for political advantages: “Many people come to us wanting to do good work for society. Even those initially thinking about political gains eventually focus on contributing positively because of their association with the RSS.”

sunil ambekar

Sunil Ambekar RSS

Speaking of India’s progress over the past ten years, Sunil Ambekar RSS drew attention to the country’s increasingly high global rating. He, however, called out the existing social issues, such as the division between castes and communities. “Social disparity is an issue which is being attributed not only by the political parties but also by society to bring harmony,” said Ambekar.

Sunil Ambekar Profile

It reveals that he has been a senior figure in RSS for decades and is currently the national organizing secretary of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP). Vidarbha-born, an alumnus of zoology, has been a lifelong member of RSS and is mainly involved with education reforms and social justice efforts. Moreover, these are also reflected by the international recognition Ambekar brings along with experience as an observer of the presidential elections in Russia and as a representative of India on a delegation to China.

Sunil Ambekar Age

He is still in his 50s, yet he shapes the future of RSS and dares to tread against social issues like Sunil Ambekar’s RSS caste concerns.

Sunil Ambekar Net Worth

No public disclosure of his net worth exists, though he remains charismatic within and outside the organisation.


Who is Sunil Ambekar?

Sunil Ambekar is a high-positioning Pracharak and the national organizing secretary of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), an obligation he has held since around 2003.

Who is the influential person in RSS?

The Sarsanghchalak can be considered a powerful person in RSS.

Who is the owner of RSS?

Keshav Baliram Hedgewar is the owner and founder of RSS.

Who is the big name of RSS?

Being the current Sarsanghchalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Mohan Bhagwat is the big name of RSS.

Who is the key person of RSS?

The Sasanghchalak is the critical person of RSS.

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