
‘PM Modi best leader for India, on track to win in May’: US singer Mary Millben

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the "best leader" for India and for the relationship between the two countries, Mary Millben, a prominent African-American Hollywood actress and singer, has said.


In a notable endorsement, American singer Mary Millben has voiced her admiration for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, declaring him as the best leader for India. Millben further predicts that Prime Minister Modi is on track to secure victory in the upcoming elections scheduled for May. This endorsement adds an international perspective to the political landscape in India and highlights the global impact of Indian leadership.

Endorsement Details:

Mary Millben, recognized for her vocal prowess and performances at various international events, has publicly expressed her support for Prime Minister Modi. Her endorsement characterizes him as the ideal leader for India, recognizing his contributions and leadership style. This endorsement comes at a crucial time as the political atmosphere in India gears up for the upcoming elections.

Prime Minister Modi’s Leadership:

The endorsement underscores the perception of Prime Minister Modi as a prominent and effective leader not only within the borders of India but also on the international stage. His leadership has been marked by various initiatives, economic reforms, and global engagements, which have garnered attention and appreciation from diverse quarters.

On Track for Victory in May:

Mary Millben’s prediction that Prime Minister Modi is on track to win in the upcoming elections in May reflects a positive outlook on the current government’s performance. It also hints at a belief in the continued trust and support of the Indian electorate. As India prepares for the electoral process, such endorsements can influence public opinion and add an interesting dimension to the political discourse.

International Impact:

The endorsement by a well-known American artist like Mary Millben highlights the global reach and impact of Indian politics. It showcases how leaders like Prime Minister Modi are not only scrutinized domestically but also draw attention and opinions from the international community. This kind of endorsement can contribute to shaping the image of India on the global stage.

Reactions and Political Implications:

While endorsements from international figures can bring positive attention, they can also be subject to scrutiny and differing opinions. The endorsement by Mary Millben may trigger reactions from various quarters, both in support and in opposition. Additionally, it adds a layer of interest to the political dynamics in India, with potential implications on public perception and discourse.


Mary Millben’s endorsement of Prime Minister Modi as the best leader for India, coupled with the prediction of victory in the upcoming elections, brings a unique international perspective to the Indian political landscape. As the political scenario evolves in the run-up to the elections, such endorsements contribute to the broader conversation surrounding leadership, global recognition, and the impact of India’s political choices on the world stage.

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